August 2014. Whats new ?

18-08-2014 | English Corner

Whats new ?
It is a great satisfaction when once vaccinated „vines” grow to the glory of the whole orchard. To great joy and satisfaction to know that the seemingly unplanned sequence of „cause and effect” brought together people who really life might not have the opportunity to meet. It is a great joy to watch how they’re doing, and put „first steps,” as committing „the first mistakes” and they are learning, but the most beautiful is, however, to see how to „infect” others with his passion. It is a great joy to see when they can help themselves selflessly. Such self-propelling a relationship for us and fuel and theme, purpose and confirmation sense of it all. From the same „up” looking, many people forget what is important and multitudes consciously have everything at the bottom warmly in the „four letters”. It’s such an introduction and a bedside thoughts. Once they will be specifics. For now, you only have to settle for this entry. And now it will be about you.

August „About you” started with the image such the one in a thousand. It is view, when you will the „grandfather” the pictures like that the people shows up to the grandchildren of them. Thomas already has such a picture as you can see. Regular readers of our website will recognize but I will mention for those who do not know who it is.
Here it is a blue Martas blanket. If you do not ,Marta would probably will get the repremand tomorrow. In any case, this is the floor in „Papowo Torunskie ,Im sure 🙂 . Papowo it is a town where lives Marta and Croft” .This is the property of the owner – Marty S. and her 8 months old Ulysses MastineuM ,Croft popularly called. Croft from the left above. Croft is the son of Casper and our Brigitta. From the right below is a 17 months old Junior Champion – Tola MastineuM (parents Casper and Miracle). In the background, smiling as J.Carrington the Tolas owner Mr.Thomas S.

Just we are writing about the Tola .TOLA MastineuM as a participant of the
National Dog Show TORUŃ – 17.8.2014 to their trophies ,joined another winning in the races and the request for the champion. Mastiffs were three at there. The breed is not very popular in Poland, although it often seems that it is, however, different. Therefore:
BOB, Best Bitch, CAC / CAC, qual-excellent, place-1, Gold medal or „gold” 🙂
Judge: Peter Mikuć, breeder- Janusz Opoczka MastineuM Fci, Owner: Thomas Sadecki, handler: Luke Zimmer. Congratulations to the handler, full of „professed”.

From the  left above there is Tola MastineuM with her handler and the right 8 months old Ulysses MastineuM in the hands of the owner of Tola -Mr. Thomas S. Pictures probably „ticked” Martha and I have to say that the great view. This of course, continue to show in Torun, August 17th.
It’s the moment before or after. Handler of Tola has got the „idea” for her so the Thomas gave her his hands. Tola looks like a winner. Well-maintained and well-kept dog. Only congratulate and wish only ,such future owners for our future puppies.

And here is already Tola in the Martas property. Therefore already informally and at ease. I wonder who spied. We had a plan to get to Torun and coffee. This was not always coming out.
Above as you can see ,it is again Tola with her owner named Justyna . Im curious is it repremand, tip or „service order :).
And above photo that meets our definition of photos of the decade. Great caught moment. And who’s in the picture? From left above he is 6 years old Polish Champion Joshua MastineuM right Ravena MastineuM our ward. The owner of these dogs is Iza and Janusz G. from Zawoja- Poland. Joshua is the son of our champion Conan MastineuM. Beautiful healthy, balanced dog
We could say that Joshua is a true Highlander. He lives with his family under the „Babia Góra” big Mountain near small town named Zawoja. He is a great representative of his race. He „turned six years and who knows the breed and raves about the fastmaturing mastiffs should know that many of their peers in the same age as Joshua is already mature men not to say grandfathers”.
Joshua is a healthy dog with a PolishCzech pedigree. His mother, our double champion Bonnie came from Vendrena CR, from Mrs. Monica Masarowa. Great friendly people. Regards, because often read and visited of our website. To see his„child” in this paradise, you can say in the wild-world .. Some people say that the natural environment for Mastiffs is a „bed” in the living room 🙂 but oh well. Everyone has the right to be wrong.

These three wonderful dogs are from left above in the order : Joshua MastineuM in the center Ravena MastineuM- female, and right MastineuM -Also Nestor son of our Conan. Iza and Janusz are a kind of record holders as you can see. This is the only ones in Poland the owners of 3 th dogs from our kennel. 4 th our children nobody else has yet :). Double while owners have several.
Great promotion race. Race is a niche and unknown. Breeders are limited to exhibitions. There is another reason for the absence Mastiff „on the outside. Lack of socialization or wrong psychological profile of the different copies of which may be a consequence of improperly selected associations. Anyway, as you can see, Joshua, and indeed all three of behaving” presentable. „This picture deserved a place of honor and publication. Joshua stroked by a blind person. Photo taken onKrupówki-street” by the owners of these trio. Below is probably announcement which at some time but this will not to talk about it.
Not to jinx it. In the picture, of course Joshua and Ravena MastineuMProperty of Iza and Janusz G.-Zawoja Poland.

Below is a picture a great dog, a brother of our Scarlet MastineuM. Here are from the right below, 24 monthly Sand Devil MastineuM with his owner Alexandra H. from the Czech Republic. Devil looks like a real Devil, and we hope that you will think the same.
Below is the beginning of our personal thread. But it will be short today. Last Saturday we had an „open day in MastineuM. We were visited by the owners of small Athens MastineuM From Joksowa Zgroda – Kennel. Mrs. Daria with her husband are in love with her. They live near us, so probably a little more than once will have the opportunity to see.
Below is our Brigitta, Jagusia called. „Jadźka” as our red-haired devil calling my dad is a real devil incarnate. Everywhere is fully of her. Gentle for children, very affectionate dog anyway. Red beauty.
Small „Jadźka” is no longer quite so tiny. Great anatomy, bone, movement, lines. We’re going to safe her blood in our bloodlines. Due to the fact that the previous litter of her was very good developing ,possible this litter will be this year in the same combination of parents. If You are Inn, we invite You all since today for talks and visits.
„Jadźka” aka Brigitta growing very healthily and how you look is presented below. Weighs of her is almost 80kg. Jackie came to us from Hungary over two years ago along with her litters sister named Barbara. Currently, Barbara is in progress of mating. Ruined could to be the better partner for her as not Casper. Ask as at the beginning of October. We will already know something. Jadźka is a real raisin in the cake for us she is a real redhead. Her first litter of puppies tuple count 10 and now they turned 8 months. The puppies went to Germany, Holland and of course have several of them in our country.
We invite you to participate in our contest. On the occasion of the competition summed up our culture that generates statistics of our breeding group MastineuM. Taking into account the number of exhibitions in which our dogs participated both in Poland and abroad in the past year 2013, no other breeder in Poland shown their dogs much often as MastineuM Breedings Group even in the third frequently. We counted more than 100 rd submissions. Our dogs was shown in Canada, the Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria and of course in Poland We hope that in 2014 our statistics will be better of the previous year and it was going to happen. Feel free to show their care and leaving them to the people.
Proper socialization gives a reasonable comfort and opportunities for the dog to normal healthy development. Greetings and welcome. We are happy to share our passion. Join to us.
Passion gives you great joy and strength, it is such a great SOMETHING that multiplies when it is divided ….

As for the competition. In a nutshell. The award will receive the owner of our puppy, who at the end of the document the most received excellent ratings. We invite you to compete. There is the one condition puppy comes with MastineuM. We recognize the assessment of foreign exhibitions and count them x 2, and the „counter turned up on January 1st 2014.

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Ja…..wo to nieznana , zabita dechami wioska w województwie pomorskim gdzie psy szczekają „doopami” 🙂 ale to zamierzam zmienić.
Tak było do niedawna , dopóki nie zamieszkała tam Patrycja. Tak naprawdę , super fajne miasteczko, zadziwiająco czyste , doinwestowane i spokojne. Tak również było do niedawna 🙂

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